Light Overtakes Darkness
Just as the Bible is filled with references to various times, God’s Word often uses the imagery of light and darkness. Light is a powerful force; so is the dark. Have you ever been afraid of the dark? Many of us were as children, but we outgrew that fear. Yet many of us have yet to overcome our fears associated with the darkness of a troubled past.
We have little hope of ever having complete victory over what has already happened yet continues to rule us today. So let me ask you: Have you chosen to leave the darkness of your past and enter into the light of your future? Are you aware that you have a “yet” time to come in your life, and that it really doesn’t matter how old you are? Are you aware that there is a hope waiting for you to grab hold of?
Acts 17:26
“And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings.”
God has a pre-appointed time and boundary for you. Do not fear the dark that is in your boundary, whether that darkness lies ahead or is in the past.
“Darkness” can be defined as “the absence of light, error, evil, bad luck or affliction.” It is a term synonymous with chaos, disorder, condemnation, ignorance or spiritual blindness. Sometimes, when we experience gloom, sorrow and distress, we say that it is a day of darkness. And then, of course, the Bible uses the word “darkness” to refer to works of Satan and the antichrist system of unfruitful deeds. Isn’t it interesting, however, that in the Bible night is never directly connected to darkness other than the physical aspect of a time devoid of light.
Therefore, there is no need for us to fear the night. In fact, the night is our opportunity to seek God the most. It is the period when we are not working by daylight, but instead can commune with our Lord and seek His ways. Be willing to seek God in the night so that you can bring true Light into a time of darkness.
Light is the opposite of darkness. Light is synonymous with illumination, clearness or glory. It is equated with knowledge and the release of revelation. Light is also likened with purity. In spiritual terms, we can never forget that the light of God dwells in us. His Word is a light for our path (see Psalm 119:105
). That means our path will be ever illuminated, no matter what darkness we have to walk through.
John 8:12
“Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, ‘I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.'”