Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.
[Jesus said,] “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind.” LUKE 10:27
God wants all of us, plain and simple. And not just our hearts—He wants our minds too. He knows our hearts will follow whatever we decide. The mind is the driver; the heart is the influencer. These two can do a dangerous dance together. The heart is deceitful and tries to convince the mind to follow it (Jeremiah 17:9). However, when our minds make decisions, our hearts usually line up with it. Our flesh tugs at our hearts, demanding what it wants to satisfy its cravings. And if we’re weak and don’t call on God for help…well, it’s all over but the repenting.
God wants all of us because a house divided against itself cannot stand. We will fall over at the first “sweet nothing” whispered in our ears…at the first offer that looks good without reading the fine print. “With all our strength” means the full weight of our decision to guard our hearts and not let anything distract us from loving God completely. He is the one true thing in life that will always yield a return for our investment above and beyond what we put in. He is the only basket safe enough to put all our eggs in. He wants all of us to be for all of Him.
Trust me. We get more out of the deal than He does!
Where is your heart today? What distracts and divides your affection toward God? How safe and sure are the other things you’re trusting in?
“Dear heavenly Father, forgive me for the times my heart has been divided. Help me love You with all that is within me. In Jesus name.”
“Dear heavenly Father, forgive me for the times my heart has been divided. Help me love You with all that is within me. In Jesus name.”