Your Internal Dialogue Can Make Or Break You - Bishop T.D Jakes

It’s time to give yourself the credit you deserve.

Sometimes, no one can be tougher on us than us.

The secret thoughts that live in each of us threaten our peace. It is one thing to be introspective, or to wonder if we could have done things differently, but it is another to perpetuate a false, negative internal script.

Outwardly we may act as if we have things all together, but inside we level some of our own harshestcriticisms. We must stop beating ourselves up and start giving credit where it’s due!

Researchers at the University of Michigan have found that carrying forward a false internal script actually damages our self esteem and threatens our future success. The words we choose to repeat to ourselves matter.

They found that, “small shifts in the language people use to refer to the self during introspection...influence their ability to regulate their thoughts, feelings and behaviors.”

We often lie to ourselves (about ourselves) saying words and phrases like: “I’m broken”, “too fat”, “scared”, “not smart enough” or “lost”.

These lies we tell ourselves must stop; our words must speak peace into our own hearts.

Oscar award winning actress Viola Davis once said, “Who you are is good enough. I believe that the privilege of a lifetime is being who you are, truly being who you are.”

We are so much more than we even know!

We are whole, complete and worthy of love as is, scars and all.

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