Showing posts with label Devotional. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Devotional. Show all posts

Takers Respect Givers Who Set Boundaries - Bishop T.D Jakes

November 23, 2016

It's time to draw a line in the sand.

Some suggest the world can be divided into two camps: givers and takers.

While the two sides vary in many ways, the clear difference between them can be summed up by advice columnist Irma Kurtz.

She observed that “Givers have to set limits because takers rarely do”.

True to her observation, this concept of giver/taker dynamics has been a topic of much research by author and psychology professor Adam Grant.

Takers “like to get more than they give”, Professor Grant found, and they also feel that if they don’t put themselves first, no one else will.


Givers, he reports, are found in much smaller numbers than takers and “are other-focused, paying more attention to what others need from them”.

Givers give without the goal of reward where takers help themselves even when offering assistance to others.

This data would make it seem that an ideal relationship would be one between a giver and a taker since they can fulfill their individual needs to give and take, but that is not the case.

The truth is that even givers reach their breaking point when dealing with takers. This is what causes conflict to arise between the two groups.

When givers feel they are being taken advantage of, they will go against their natural tendencies and stop their generosity. In turn, this leaves takers feeling cheated because their is no longer a benefit for themselves.

This struggle can be well avoided by knowing where to draw your line in the sand.

When confronted with fair and consistent boundaries, takers are forced to change and instead become matchers--someone who is willing to compromise in giving to get in return.

There are many ways a giver can set boundaries. The first thing to do is identify the habitual takers in our lives. Being conscious of them can help us to minimize exposure to them or prepare us for their requests so we are not blindsided when they come.

The nature of the world is that takers never get tired of taking, but if boundaries are set and respected, givers will never grow tired of giving.

The cycle of give and take can continue with a line drawn in the sand.


November 23, 2016

Memorise: Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross; 

Colossians 2:14

Read: Colossians 2:14 (KJV)
14 Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross;
Bible in one year: Genesis 42-43, Psalms 107:10-22
Ancestral curses are said to be in operation when a terrible problem persistently runs through generations with a family. For example, an uncontrollable anger or promiscuity may be noticed in a teenager and on investigation; such is traced to the parents and grandparents. Open Heavens Wednesday 23 November 2016:-DEALING WITH ANCESTRAL CURSES II
Many people today live under bondage as a result of their forefathers’ sins. Exodus 34:7 says:

“….visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and upon the children’s children, unto the third and to the fourth generation.”

However, the moment God comes into such lives, things change dramatically. When God is in control of your life, it will be evident through the tremendous peace that will calm your storms, but when the devil rules the life of an individual, there will be total confusion. 1st Corinthians 14:33 says God has nothing to do with confusion. When the devil takes over the life of a man, everything will turn upside down. Instead of wearing clothes, he will walk about naked. Instead of wearing decent clothes, he will put on rags. The one who finds it uncomfortable to wear decent clothes capable of covering his or her nakedness surely has gone nuts.

In Luke 8:26-33, after Satan took control of the Gadarene man’s life, he left his bed for the graveyard. He abandoned decent clothes for rags. If one wears clothes that expose what should be covered, it is evident that such a fellow is losing his or her mind to the devil. This Gadarene demoniac began to inflict wounds on himself. 23 November 2016 Open Heavens. He was crying out of pain yet couldn’t stop himself. When people engage in things that can destroy them, it means their heads are besieged. The warning that smoking is injurious to a man’s health is not enough to stop a smoker from indulging in the act because his head has been taken over by demons. Anyone who uses mind-bending substances such as Indian hemp, cocaine, alcohol, cigarette or powerful capsules is living in a spiritual graveyard. Besides, this man was violent, he could not be controlled. He rebelled against reason, he was wild. If you find it difficult to submit to authority or comply with simple rules, examine yourself. The state of the head is revealed by the conduct of the body. No matter how refined an individual is, if something is wrong with the head, it will show. What is the state of your head? Is it well with your head?

Prayer Point
Father, please completely destroy the power of ancestral curses in my life in Jesus’ name.

Develop Your Character - Joyce Meyer

November 23, 2016

Withstand him; be firm in faith [against his onset—rooted, established, strong, immovable, and determined], knowing that the same (identical) sufferings are appointed to your brotherhood (the whole body of Christians) throughout the world.
—1 Peter 5:9

We may look at other people and think they never have to go through anything difficult, but we all go through different things. Some people have gone through devastating things that nobody knows anything about. Some people have learned the art of suffering silently. They know only God can help them, so they don’t bother telling everyone they meet what they are going through.

It is not wrong to share our troubles with a friend or counselor, but the point is that we cannot assume others are not having challenges in life just because they don’t look depressed or don’t talk about their problems. We all get hurt at times, and we all have the same opportunity either to let it make us bitter or to let it make us better. How can injustices make us better? For one thing, they help us develop character. Doing what is right when we don’t have feelings supporting us builds strong character in us. Intelligence and talents are God’s gifts, but character is developed. We need to move beyond hurt and be willing to give ourselves away and lay down our lives for others (John 15:13).

Lord, help me to get my eyes off of my troubles and to reach out and help those around me who are hurting. Give me discernment and compassion to truly make a difference. Amen.


November 23, 2016

1 Peter 2:9

But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people...

God calls us “a royal priesthood”. This means that we are kings as well as priests under the king-priesthood of Jesus Christ. This has never happened before in the history of God’s people. In the Old Testament, kings and priests were two distinct groups of people. You were either a king or priest, but not both at the same time.

Today, because we are in Christ, we are king-priests—a royal priesthood. This means that we have a double portion of speaking power because as kings, “Where the word of a king is, there is power” (Ecclesiastes 8:4), and as priests, “by their word every controversy and every assault shall be settled”. (Deuteronomy 21:5)

So if you are a Christian businessman, you will have an edge over worldly businessmen. What you say about your business deals will come to pass. And if you are falsely accused, know that by your very word, every controversy and every assault will be settled!

And as a king-priest parent, when you bless your children, your words have the power to set in motion supernatural events which will bring them into God’s abundance and superabounding grace. And there will be such a courage and resilience about them that it will empower them to win the fights of life!

When the devil comes to you and says that you will die young because your father and grandfather died young, or that you will never be successful because you are not well-educated, you must remember that the devil is neither a king nor a priest. There is no power in his words. But there is power in yours because you are a king-priest in Christ!

So instead of agreeing with him, believe and declare, “I will not die young. With long life He will satisfy me and show me His salvation!” Say, “The Lord will make my way prosperous and give me good success!” Use your double portion of speaking power and see these blessings come to pass!

Thought For The Day

You have a double portion of speaking power because you are a king as well as a priest in Christ Jesus.
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